The Power Of The Power Nap
Also known as catnaps, Albert Einstein, Napoleon Bonaparte, Thomas Edison, John F. Kennedy, Leonardo DaVinci, Winston Churchill, and a long list of other great figures are amongst the group of people who endorsed this form of regeneration.
There is significant research to support that regardless of how long one sleeps at night, the human body is programmed to become sleepy in the early afternoon. This is why many people including many physicians feel that a nap mid-day is not only healthy, but can help a person to become more productive. Many of the Mediterranean countries endorse the half day system incorporating time for an afternoon nap. In Spain and most of their former colonies "siesta" is a way of life. Not only do people go home to take a nap after lunch, but everything closes down so that everyone can enjoy their siesta.
Numerous studies have been done proving that napping mid day can improve their creativity, problem solving and overall productivity in the workplace. However, the key is to keep these naps short, 30 minutes or less is optimal; if the nap is longer the body can fall into deep sleep from which it is difficult to awake. It is important to note that naps should be paired with normal and healthy nocturnal sleep.
Try to take your nap about the same time each day. The human body is highly sensitive to circadian programming. Just as your meals, bed time and waking time should follow a routine, so should your naps. As anyone who has been very ill knows, naps are essential in helping the body regenerate.
"I don't feel old. I don't feel anything till noon. That's when it's time for my nap."
Bob Hope
I just had one today, it was weird. I came home from physical therapy ate a bowl of soup, then laid down on the couch. I went out for about 20 minutes. I had a bit of difficulty waking up so I had a cup of coffee.
I love taking naps but they make me soooo sooo tired. No matter how long or short it is.
And if I wanna go to sleep, I drink coffee. It does the opposite effect for me.
Adverse effects are a funny thing. I can take Benadryl and not feel tired, it makes most people tired so it is used in over-the-counter sleep medications.
When I take those tylenol PM stuff and the likes that helps you sleep.. it does nothing to me.
However.. I've never been much of a medicated person.. but back in the days when I had my braces and I would go in to get it tighted, I decided to take a Tylenol. To my disbelief, it worked like a charm. I had no pain in my mouth. No wonder people live by it.
That was only about 3 years ago. LOL.
Tylenol works really well for some people but it can be hepatotoxic (damaging to the liver). If a person drinks a lot of alcohol or suffers from any kind of liver disease they should stay away from acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol.
Yes -> I have found power napping very very effective. The most imp thing is that it shouldnt be too long or too short. I think 22 mins is ideal!
See Nicole agrees! Thanks Nicole, actually there is quite a bit of scientific research to support this.
Tks for dropping by my blog and your comment. Wow! you have a lot of useful info on yours, will have to find time to drop by again, well done..
And we wonder why the Italians are so happy. They know how to eat, work, rest, etc. and enjoy it all.
You mentioned in one of your posts that you had a problem sleeping. If you don't mind me asking, is it from stress, bad dreams, or just plain can't sleep?
Misreflection, I love that name. That is what drew my to your blog in the first place, I had seen your name in someone else's comments. Thanks for stopping by.
Mermaid, I am an honourary Italian. I have many Italian friends love to make Italian food, love most everything, particularly clothes and cars, I even speak a little Italian.
My sleep problems are two fold. I have difficulty falling asleep, and I also have sleep apnea.
Unfortunately, the only thing Western medicine has for sleep apnea are CPAP or surgery or meds that have more side effects than help. Ever thought about acupuncture? If you were overweight, I'd say losing weight would help, but I'm not sure if that's a problem.
OK< that lose weight part came out all wrong. Not an easy thing, plus, I made an assumption, which maybe isn't true. Sorry!
Mermaid, no need to be sorry. You are absolutely right, most people that suffer from sleep apnea are overweight.
I have not yet considered acupuncture, but perhaps. The picture of me is, me the way I am, so that should answer your question.
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