Monday, August 08, 2005

Start Losing Now

Simply put in order to lose weight you must burn more calories than you consume. If you are currently trying to lose weight and not getting anywhere you will need to increase your exercise (or calories burned) or reduce your intake of calories, these can be done simultaneously for faster results.

We burn calories, breathing, getting out of bed, manufacturing new cells, maintaining our body's temperature, and even eating; the rate at which we do this is called our Basal Metabolic Rate. There are many factors such as, age, genetic makeup, and muscle to fat ratio that affect the rate at which you burn calories, but the amount you move (exercise) also play a major part, and this is something that you can change.

There is some controversy over how much weight is healthy to lose over a given time, but as a general rule you can aim for 1 to 2% per week, that equates to 2 to 4 lbs in a person who weighs 200 lbs.

Counting calories can be very difficult not to mention tedious. There are some simple things you can do to reduce your calorie intake without any difficult calculations or restrictive monitoring.

Stay tuned….


At 3:06 PM, Blogger deewani said...

I must admit the thing that always puts me off dieting is the measuring and weighing of food :-(

At 8:43 PM, Blogger cedia said...

I think I liked it better when I had hyperthyroid and didn't have to worry about how much I consumed.

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Neel said...

Natasha, check out

Deewani, I have never done that, but it seems like a lot of wasted time to me.

Cedia, what happened, do you take thyroid meds?


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